Skin Care – Skin Cleansing, Toner and Cleansers

May 12, 2021 | Skin Care

Skin care is the collection of practices that support healthy skin, alleviate skin disorders and improve its appearance. They may consist of proper usage of emollients, prevention of too much sun exposure, intake of nutrients like vitamins and minerals, avoidance of skin disorders and so on. Skin care usually involves identifying and evaluating skin problems and then designing the most suitable skin care regimen for the patient. Skin care requires the expertise of a dermatologist or aesthetician who has training and experience in various skin diseases, disorders. Dermatologists and aestheticians are often associated with one another as they often perform several procedures at the same time.

Some of the common skin care products include cleansers, toners, moisturizers, anti-aging creams, makeup, lasers, microdermabrasion and other similar skin rejuvenation techniques. The most popular product among these is cleansers which are designed to remove dirt, oil, make-up and other foreign matter from the face. The cleansers are usually used along with other ingredients to promote the skin’s health and appearance. There are several ingredients like beta glucan, sodium hydroxide, salicylic acid, glycolic acid, lactic acid, resorcinol, triclosan, tretinoin, etc that help in the skin’s regeneration and health. Some of the dermatologists also recommend specific natural ingredients which can help in reducing acne breakouts.

Apart from the regular cleansing oil and toner, some skin care products like moisturizers and makeup removers contain exfoliating components which help in removing dead skin cells. The other type of product that is commonly included in most beauty products is the eye and lip lining makeup which is used to hide wrinkles around the eyes and lips. The skin care regimen includes regular cleansing which is done twice a day with a mild facial cleanser and toner. Some moisturizers like eye and lip lining makeup also include cleansing oil for hydrating and nourishing the skin.

Jaxon Morison

Jaxon Morison

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