What Fashion Trend Did Miami Vice Popular?

Jul 18, 2021 | Beauty N Style

There was a time when Miami Vice was all the rage in the fashion world. It seemed as if every woman and her girl friend were sporting this unique brand of footwear that came in bright colors, like neon. This is of course, aside from the large amounts of money some of these “Vice” consumers spent on this unique brand. So what fashion trend did Miami vice help make popular?

Well, before it became popular, it was actually quite in trend to wear at that point. Miami Vice, otherwise known as Miami Dade County’s own Miami Beach, was especially famous for hosting some of the most outrageous fashion shows that you have ever seen. But it didn’t take until the late seventies that Miami Dade County made what fashion trend did Miami vice help make popular. The show was called the Bayside Connection, hosted by none other than America’s Next Top Model, Camille Grammer. With Camille as the star, the show was anything but tame by any standards.

For those not familiar with what fashion trends do, Miami Vice was something that helped make trend hounds everywhere look silly. There were quite a few ways that this particular fashion trend did help make popular. First of all, due to the fact that there were so many women showing their support for Miami Vice, it helped create a totally new market for clothing. For instance, you had v-neck t-shirts, which were extremely popular at the time. Now, v-neck t-shirts aren’t exactly cutting edge today, but they were definitely popular then.

Another way that what fashion trends like Miami Vice helped make popular was the clothing that people were wearing. Miami Vice took the idea that low-cut shirts were sexy and made them into something that was fashionable. Instead of seeing people running around in low cut shirts, people were wearing stylish cuts of clothing that showed off their midriff or their stomach. Because of this, low-cut shirts became extremely popular, even though they weren’t particularly chic at the time.

What fashion trends like Miami Vice and what fashion accessories did Miami become popular, like low-cut shirts, low-cut skirts and low-cut pants? The answer is simple – skirts and low-rise pants are cut higher than their normal counterparts. This creates an amazing v-neck effect on top of what can only be described as an amazing cut. These types of fashion accessories and what fashion trends helped make Miami Vice popular are quite easy to follow.

Another fashion trend that helped make Miami Vice popular was the “Chick flicks”.

You know, those movies where a girl gets totally naked and then tries to get into a car with her best friend? Well, this particular trend had actually been around for decades but it gained popularity during the height of the AIDS epidemic. Miami Vice helped make this trend even more chic by showing what women looked like when they went to visit with their friends. It also helped make the films that followed even better as they showed what a woman would look like when she wasn’t wearing anything else except for a low-cut top and some low-rise jeans.

Jaxon Morison

Jaxon Morison

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